63 件ありました
2020.10.18 - 5 Why Mad Lads 1962
2011.05.22 - 4 Why Kirk Franklin with Stevie Wonder 2005 『Hero』
2003.08.10 - 4 Why The Chartbusters 1964
2024.11.17 - 6 I Know Why (And So Do You) Glenn Miller & His Orchestra 1941
2024.02.11 - 6 Why Should I Forgive You Shock 1976
2023.11.19 - 1 Why Do I Cry Lisa & The Lullabies 1964
2022.12.25 - 4 Ask Me Why 竹内まりや 1982 『ビバ・マリヤ!!』
2022.11.06 - 4 Don't Ask Me Why Alzo 1972 『LOOKING FOR YOU』
2022.04.10 - 2 Why Don't We Fall In Love John Valenti 1976 『ANYTHING YOU WANT』
2022.03.27 - 2 Why Can't We Live Together Timmy Thomas 1972
2021.12.05 - 9 Wonder Why Sarah Vaughan 1961 『AFTER HOURS』
2021.02.14 - 2 Why Do Fools Fall In Love The Beach Boys 1964 『SHUT DOWN VOL.2』
2020.10.18 - 3 Why Do You Have To Go The Paramounts 1961
2020.09.06 - 3 Don't Ask Me Why Alzo 1972 『ALZO』
2019.09.01 - 3 12. Tell Me Why 竹内まりや with BOX
2017.09.10 - 5 Summer's Gone The Beach Boys 2012 『That's Why God Made The Radio』
2017.06.11 - 7 That's Why I'm Cryings The Ivy League 1965 『Warner Soft Rock Nuggets Vol.4』
2017.02.12 - 3 (Why Don't You) Go Away Soul Survivors 1969 『Take Another Look』 [訃報 Richie Ingui]
2016.11.27 - 5 Don't Ask Me Why Alzo 1972 『Alzo』
2016.05.29 - 2 I Wonder Why Dion & The Belmonts 1958 [訃報 Carlo Mastrangelo]
2014.03.02 - 7 Oh Why The Teddy Bears 1959
2013.02.10 - 7 Oh Lord, Why Lord Los Pop Tops 1968
2011.05.08 - 5 That's Why They Call It Love Gradys Knight 2001 『At Last』
2010.07.25 - 2 Why Can't We Be Friends? War 1975
2009.12.20 - 4 Tell Me Why 竹内まりや with BOX 2009 未発表音源
2009.06.07 - 3 Tell Me Why Neil Young 1970 『After The Gold Rush』
2009.05.31 - 2 Why Do Fools Fall In Love (New Stereo Mix) The Beach Boys 1964 『Summer Love Songs』
2009.04.19 - 4 Why Do Lovers Break Each Other's Hearts Bob B. Soxx & The Blue Jeans 1963
2008.10.05 - 3 Why Should I cry The Gentrys 1970
2005.03.13 - 3 Why Should We Take The Easy Way Out Andrea Carroll 1966
2004.11.07 - 14 You're The Reason Why The Ebonys 1971
2003.12.14 - 6 Why Don't You Believe Me Joni James 1952
2003.04.06 - 4 Don't Ask Me Why Alzo 1971 『Looking For You』NY出身のシンガーソングライター。本名はAlzo Fronte。Ampexからの1stアルバム。
2002.04.14 - 4 Why Do Fools Fall In Love? 山下達郎 & 鰐川己久雄 & 並木進 & 武川紳一 1972 『Add Some Music To Your Day』19歳時に作成した100枚限定の自主制作盤。現在ファンクラブでCD販売中。Frankie Lymon & The Teenagersのカバー。
2001.11.18 - 1 Why'd You Wanna Make Me Cry Connie Stevens 1962年5月。ハワイアン・アイドル。歌の上手い女優。邦題は「小さな涙」
2001.09.16 - 3 Why Can't We Live Together Timmy Thomas 1972 Single MiamiのSSW/Organist。全米3位。R&Bチャート1位。アルバムバージョン (『Why Can't We Live Together』 (1972)) より1分半短い。
1999.11.28 - 8 Why Do Fools Fall In Love 山下達郎 1999/11/25『On The Street Corner 3』
1999.11.14 - 7 Why Do Fools Fall In Love 山下達郎 1999/11/25発売予定『On The Street Corner 3』
1998.03.08 - 2 Why Can't We Live Together Timmy Thomas
1996.11.17 - 10 I Wonder Why Dion & The Belmonts
1996.11.10 - 11 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1996.10.27 - 2 Ask Me Why 竹内まりや 初期のベストアルバム「Viva Mariya」にのみ収録されている曲。伊藤銀次のアレンジ。
1996.05.26 - 4 You're The Reason Why The Ebonys
1994.11.13 - 4 Don't Ask Me Why Alzo
1994.05.08 - 2 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1994.04.03 - 4 Why Do Fools Fall In Love The Happenings
1993.10.09 - 6 Why Can't We Live Together Timmy Thomas
1990.09.02 - 6 Tell Me Why Topers
1990.05.06 - 5 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1985.01.17 - 5 Why Do I Love You So Johnny Tillotson
1983.10.06 - 10 I Wonder Why Dion & The Belmonts
1983.09.29 - 10 Why Do Fools Fall in Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers 1956
1983.06.16 - 9 All Road why road ?? The Pop Tops
1983.05.12 - 5 Why Do Fools Fall In Love? 山下達郎 & 鰐川己久雄 & 並木進 & 武川紳一
1982.09.18 - 1 Why Can't We Live Together Timmy Thomas
1976.09.14 - 13 Alone (Why Must I Be Alone) The Shepherd Sisters 1957 Lance
1976.09.14 - 17 I Wonder Why Dion & The Belmonts 1958 Laurie
1976.05.04 - 17 Tell Me Why The Beach Boys Original : Beatles
1976.04.27 - 4 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Add Some Music To Your Day 1972 Surfin' Rabbit Studio
1976.03.11 - 9 Why Do Fools Fall In Love The Beach Boys 1964
1976.03.11 - 10 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers 1956
1976.01.15 - 16 Why Do Fools Fall In Love Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers 1956
1976.01.15 - 17 Why Do Fools Fall In Love The Happenings 1967 B.T. Puppy

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